Contract is out of the question if you are unable to effectively cope with all kinds of human relations. 没有打通关的本事,合同是谈不下来的。
This is given only through slowness in human relations. 这些需求只有通过人际关系中的慢才能得到满足。
Friendship is a kind of human relations. 友谊是一种人际关系。
However, AS human relations are stressed in China, the people have different views on contract. 但是,由于中国是一个重人情和关系的国家,人们对于合同也存在不同的看法。
International relations is just an allegory for human relations. 国际关系不过是对人与人间关系的隐喻。
But the real damage is in daily human relations. 但真正的破坏是在日常的人际关系上。
Maintain good human relations. 保持良好的人际关系。
Cell phone has altered human relations. 手机刷新了人与人之间的关系。
Therefore, I believe that human relations based on mutual compassion and love is fundamentally important to human happiness. 因此,我相信建立在相互仁慈和爱基础上的人类关系,是人类幸福至关重要的基石。
Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. 鼓励女孩玩玩具的语言和技能的培养人际关系。
But you will often meet difficulties in the practical life, which is related to human relations. 可是,在实际生活中,合同的履行往往存在困难。这也与人情和关系有关。
The sustainable development idea from the perspective of customer satisfaction coordinates human relations and production relations perfectly. 顾客满意视域的可持续发展理念是人文关系与生产关系的有机统一。
Therefore, the first major part, I elaborate the non-spoken language human relations difference from three aspects. 因此,第一个大的部分,我从三个方面来论述非言语交际的差异。
Traditional Chinese festivals invariably centre on maintaining and improving human relations. 华族的传统节日都离不开维系人伦与增进人际关系这个基本主题。韩国人在本届奥运会中突出了和平的主题,提出了人类和谐的口号。
Harmony in human relations. 和谐的人际关系。
Not only this explained the human relations culture importance, moreover explained the language and human relations ability are indispensable. 这不仅说明了交际文化的重要性,而且说明了语言和交际能力是缺一不可的。
Human relations become "atomised", assuming a material character independent of human control and conscious activity. 人的关系变得松散,具有独立于人的控制和有意识活动的物质性。
These four kind of skills complement one another in the language study and the human relations, mutually promote. 这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、互促进。
Human relations have commanded people's attention from early times. 人际关系从早的时代起已经命令人的注意。
The strength of the Company, has a wealth of experience and declarations of good human relations. 本公司实力雄厚、有著丰富的报关经验及良好的人际关系。
The social action of the law is fingering has the effect that upholds the human relations in society that is helpful for certain class and social order. 法的社会作用是指法具有维护有利于一定阶级的社会关系和社会秩序的作用。
Human relations involves the interaction? both verbal and nonverbal? among people in an organization. 人际关系包含了同属某个组织的成员间语言的与非语言的互动。
This training will prepare students for their future careers, through cross-cultural knowledge and understanding of human relations. 人类学学科训练将通过跨文化知识以及对人类关系的理解为学生未来的生涯做准备。
The language is most important human relations male, is the most important cultural carrier. 语文是最重要的交际公具,是最重要的文化载体。
Communication: business communication, personnel management, human relations. 交际学:商务交际、人事管理、人际关系。
Confucian beliefs about society and human relations were at the heart of Chinese life, he declared. 他宣称,儒家关于社会和人际关系的理论在中国人的生活中深入人心。
Individual hobby is widespread, includes the human relations and art specially. 个人爱好广泛,特别包括交际与艺术。专修国际经济与贸易专业;
I finally put emphasis on human relations in education. 我最后做的,是教育中人和人的关系。
My cartoons are mostly about human relations, which is a very international subject. 我的漫画大多是关于人与人之间的关系,这是个非常国际化的主题。
But when Trans-Culture human relations often will have the problem. 但在跨文化交际时往往会出现问题。